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    • Property services with tech engagement: C&T Solutions customizes PMS for new youth hostel

Property services with tech engagement: C&T Solutions customizes PMS for new youth hostel

Hong Kong, November 25, 2020 - C&T Solutions is customizing an integrated property management system (PMS) for a major social service organization to administrate tenant admission and operations of a brand-new youth hostel with digital efficiency.

A joint Youth Hostel Scheme project among the Government, private sector and social sector, this uniquely positioned hostel will be ready in 2021 for public tenant application and open in 2022 for admitted working young people. Funded to operate the 25-storey new hostel that will serve aspiring young tenants through over 1,000 apartments together with youth development services, the NGO has engaged C&T Solutions for a one-stop PMS solution that can digitize and streamline management of the large property that adopts a mixed model of operations.

C&T’s solution team is developing a full-featured PMS that will facilitate efficient operations and quality services through both web and mobile applications. Users of the system will enjoy great convenience through a series of IoT and mobile experience, from GPS/ QR code-enabled attendance and access for staff, tenants, event participants and visitors to real-time mobile activity enrollment, service application, facility booking, shopping, payment, problem reporting and work order progressing. Scheduled events, notices, notifications and statements will be auto-pushed to users’ registered mobiles for optimized engagement and extra manpower saving, while internal users can customize workflows, reports and statistics with great flexibility for practical needs.

Catering for the hostel’s comprehensive applicant screening process, the PMS will be an intricate design that can also facilitate relevant work of internal staff and serve tenants-to-be starting early from their application to vetting, interview, intake, room selection and onboarding. In line with the hostel’s commencement of open application, the PMS by C&T Solutions will be in service from 2021 as the master management platform for an on-going cycle of efficient rental processes, workforce operations and tenant engagement.