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    • Upgrading member services: ChainStorePlus ERM revamps retail platform for renowned non-profit organization

Upgrading member services: ChainStorePlus ERM revamps retail platform for renowned non-profit organization

Hong Kong, January 11, 2019 - ChainStorePlus ERM is working on a retail management system revamp project to provide its client, one of the largest non-profit organizations in Hong Kong, with a brand-new retail management platform that can grow in line with its major enhancement of hospitality and member services.

As one of the oldest institutions in Hong Kong, this client runs businesses and charities across various areas, from sports and recreation to environmental protection, education, social services, etc., and it maintains a membership unit dedicated to the provision of premium experience for members enjoying its services through multiple channels.

To cater for the expansion of its world-famous member clubhouse, growth of new businesses and evolving requirements of compliance and security in its hospitality systems, the organization has engaged the team of ChainStorePlus, retail management software of C&T, to revamp its retail management eco-system. ChainStorePlus will deliver a holistic solution that enables the client’s efficient central management of multiple retail businesses and store operation workflows. The key functions include:

  • Comprehensive in-store POS functionality
  • All-in-one procurement processing
  • Agile inventory & transfer operations
  • Secure online shopping for members
  • Powerful backend administration

In a large-scale system revamp that requires all-round planning for the client to ensure the best member experience across its diverse retail services and precise integration with other hospitality systems for the best synergizing effect, the experienced technical team of ChainStorePlus has been working closely with the client to deliver an advanced retail management platform that speaks with ChainStorePlus’ acclaimed premium membership management, scalability, mobility and security.