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    • Paperless performance management: IPL HRMS streamlines staff appraisal with ePMS

Paperless performance management: IPL HRMS streamlines staff appraisal with ePMS

Hong Kong, December 15, 2017 - Performance management is certainly part of any human resources department’s job. Yet in practice this has long been an area in HR whose potential is not fully captured, mainly due to the tedious coordination work for the traditional paper-based yearly performance reviews. The e-Performance Management System (ePMS) of IPL HRMS is a user-oriented solution that systematically streamlines the appraisal workflow, giving HR full control with greatly enhanced efficiency.

ePMS is an approachable module with a user-friendly interface that is compatible across browsers and synchronization with other IPL HRMS core modules, including iProfile, for 24/7 workplaces with unlimited access to data. The web platform allows HR to customize the appraisal form with templates, and release it for the appraiser and appraisee to complete it online anytime, anywhere. With the progress bar and email reminder, both parties can just follow the simplified automated workflow to complete the whole appraisal process, supported by charts and reports for further comparison and evaluation.

ePMS features and benefits:

  • Automate your goal setting and process tracking
  • Traceable record for further analysis
  • Alert and delegation for better engagement
  • Transparent weighting and unbiased review
  • Calibration for comparison with company standard

With today’s advanced technology for workflow automation, companies are hoping to rejuvenate performance appraisals with a more consistent and agile approach. IPL HRMS’s ePMS web module is the practical solution to cater for the contemporary needs of Hong Kong businesses in performance management.