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Enhancing Government’s public services: C&T Solutions releases 2021 Population Census thematic website for C&SD
Hong Kong, April 20, 2022 - C&T Solutions has delivered the thematic website for the combined system enhancement project of 2021 Population Census for the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) under Category 3 Major Group of the Standing Offer Agreement for Quality Professional Services 4 (SOA-QPS4) of the Hong Kong Government. The website serves as the always-on information hub of the latest census for the public. (Source: SOA-QPS4 Awarded Work Assignments as at 28 February 2022)
Since 1961, a population census has been conducted in Hong Kong every ten years and a by-census in the middle of the intercensal period. The aim of conducting population censuses is to obtain up-to-date benchmark information on the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population of Hong Kong. Such information is vital to the Government for planning and policy formulation. The latest 2021 Population Census engaged all households of the city for 46 data topics surrounding six aspects, such as demographic and social characteristics, educational characteristics, and internal migration characteristics. C&SD needed to handle a massive amount of data and information and its staff had to ensure accuracy in data handling consolidation and further analysis in a systematic way before publishing the census results on the website by phase.
2021 Population Census Website: Main Page
Answering C&SD’s demand to enhance internal collaboration and external data dissemination in response to the rising volume and complexity of data to be processed, C&T Solutions was engaged under SOA-QPS4 for all-in-one development of the 2021 Population Census thematic website together with the Statistics Dissemination Sub-system (SDS) and the Interactive Data Dissemination Sub-system (IDDS), which serve as the backbone of smooth, precise and user-friendly data dissemination on the website. While releasing census results in systemic main tables and snapshot formats by demographic, educational, economic and many other topics, the website provides an interactive chart dashboard of key statistics that allows users to instantly obtain data insights according to their own needs. The census results are also available in a variety of forms for viewing and free downloading.
2021 Population Census Website: Interactive Dashboard of Key Statistics
With the census results released on the thematic website for public use in January 2022, C&T’s experienced solution team has been working closely with C&SD for the launch of IDDS service on the census website, which will further empower public users to render highly customized tables and charts for their specific purposes, from academic study to media analysis, business research and more.