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All-round HR digital transformation: Major technology research institute adopts IPL HRMS
Hong Kong, September 21, 2022 - C&T’s human resources management software IPL HRMS is helping a major technology research institute in Hong Kong to replace their current HR system with precision payroll automation, digital performance appraisal, mobile self-service and more, greatly enhancing agility and efficiency in HR management.
The institute was founded by the HKSAR Government in 2000 as one of the largest research & development (R&D) centers for information & communications technologies (ICT) in Hong Kong. Striving with the mission of enhancing the city’s competitiveness through applied research, it has nurtured a pool of research and innovation & technology (I&T) talents and received numerous international awards for its innovations.
Since the existing HR system cannot afford their operations supported by a staff expanding beyond 600, the institute hopes to look for an all-round central HR system with scalability for replacement. Therefore, the institute has chosen IPL HRMS to deliver e-HR solutions for their expanding businesses. IPL HRMS will provide a robust core HR engine and an employee-driven HCM solution with C&T HCM App. IPL HRMS will help streamline and automate HR procedures of payroll calculation, leave application, staff appraisal and other matters in a more engaging and efficient way.
The integrated IPL HRMS solution will help the institute simplify bulky daily operations with HR automation and staff digital engagement, providing a solid HR system base for deepening their business expansion in the areas of financial technologies, communications technologies, intelligent manufacturing and so on.