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Building green community: C&T named EcoPartner at BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2019
Hong Kong, October 21, 2020 - C&T has been recognized as EcoPartner at the BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2019 for the Group’s continuous efforts in implementing energy conservation and other green initiatives to reduce environmental footprints and make positive environmental impacts in the community.
The BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards Program has been organized by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong) since 2015, aiming to promote active participation in environmentally conscious practices among the manufacturing and services enterprises in Hong Kong and the Pan-Pearl River Delta (Pan-PRD) region to further reduce environmental footprints in these communities.
During 2019, C&T joined the One Enterprise - One Year - One Environmental Project Program and devised a series of energy saving initiatives, including introducing high energy-efficiency office equipment, implementing a time zone system with automatic on/off schedules for lighting, delivering energy saving messages to colleagues and more to minimize energy consumption. C&T is committed to protecting the environment and striving to incorporate various sustainable green practices into the business operations, joining hands with employees as an EcoPartner to achieve the goal of reducing carbon emission and energy conservation for a greener future.