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TVP seminar for SME: C&T shares latest information management and data protection technologies
Hong Kong, November 17, 2017 - C&T and the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (HKEIA) co-organized a Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) seminar on the afternoon of November 16 (Thursday). The seminar held in the office of HKEIA received an audience from electronics manufacturers and SMEs planning to make use of TVP for building or upgrading their industry-specific information management with data loss protection connected to ERP systems.
The seminar started with Ms. Emma Wong (BD & Marketing Manager, C&T Holdings) sharing her first-hand experience in coordinating the whole process of a successful TVP application for an IPL HRMS customer, Keio Engineering Ltd.. In the second session, Mr. Kelvin Cheung (Director of Business Development, Coworkshop) and Mr. Tony Ho (Head of IT, Yip’s Chemical) shared the valuable experience of implementing an effective data loss prevention solution in the petrochemical industry. Mr. Tommy Choi (Business Development Manager, VITOVA EIM of C&T) also introduced the application of all-round data management and robotic process automation (RPA) for account payable processing to streamline daily operations.
The speakers and audience coming from different business sectors had a great interaction about business-specific suggestions for making a successful TVP application and all-rounded integration of different technologies. The seminar provided a great platform for HKEIA member companies and SMEs to better understand the TVP scheme and plan ahead for solution upgrades to cope with the rapidly changing market environment.
For more info about C&T software products and services in covered in TVP, please click here.