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    • 2017/18 LEAP project highlights: A journey for students and C&T mentors

2017/18 LEAP project highlights: A journey for students and C&T mentors

Hong Kong, July 25, 2018 - The 2017/18 Life & Career Education Mentorship Project (LEAP) led by HKUGA Education Foundation has come to an end with fruitful results and treasurable memories for the student mentees and mentors of C&T and other participating corporations. As a pioneer of Hong Kong’s IT industry and sharing the responsibility of nurturing future pillars of our society, C&T continued its support with five representatives from the Human Resources Management Software (HRMS), Enterprise Information Management Software (EIMS), Enterprise Retail Management Software (ERMS) and Solutions teams to act as life mentors in the academic year of 2017/18.

LEAP aims to enable students to learn through direct dialog with mentors from various industries. This year’s LEAP project comprised four stages, the first was early in November 2017 for the mentors to prepare for their sharing with the millennials. During the briefing session provided by HKUGA, C&T’s representatives met other participating corporations’ mentors and learned how to interact with students and be a good mentor.

In the months that followed, C&T’s representatives met the student groups for the first time at the four secondary schools respectively, namely CCC Rotary Secondary School, Ning Po College, PHC Wing Kwong College and Yuen Long Public Secondary School. During the school visits, the life mentors introduced the mentees to the basic background of the IT industry and C&T’s products and solutions, through which the students learned more about the business operations and daily challenges faced in the company. Among questions filled with curiosity, the students and mentors had in-depth interaction and sharing.

Following the school visits, the group of over 30 students from the four secondary schools joined together for a visit to C&T’s Cyberport headquarters on April 13 and was given a warm welcome by the Group’s Senior Vice President, Mr. Steve Yeung. While having chat sessions with their mentors, the students had to a tour around the office and experienced what it is really like when working in an IT company. The mentors’ roles and duties and Cyberport’s relaxing environment both interested the students.

By the end of the school year in June, the students were given a chance to stand on their school hall’s stage and present their findings on the IT industry and C&T in front of the audience. It was also the chance for sharing their thoughts and feelings towards their life mentors, who shared not only that moment with them, but also the various occasions of sharing, learning and guidance throughout the year-long program.

The LEAP project has provided a platform for young people to understand better attitudes and ethics needed for career development, appropriate workplace culture, and prepare themselves for future careers. At the same time, the life mentors hope their personal experience have brought enlightenment and positive impact to the young fellows on goal setting and life planning in the IT industry.