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Seminar for professionals: Sustainable procurement management with ISO 20400
Hong Kong, May 27, 2017 - To promote good compliance with the newly drafted ISO 20400 for achieving sustainable procurement management, C&T held a seminar at Regus Central on April 27 afternoon with guest speakers specialized in procurement to share their insights with over 50 professionals of procurement, finance and IT.
The seminar started with Ms. Maya de Souza (Senior Manager - Policy Research, Business Environment Council Limited) and Ms. Susan Siu (Chair, Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS)) introducing the standards of the latest ISO 20400. Ms. Lily Heo (General Manager, Procurement, Hong Kong Airport Authority) followed and shared her insights into the upcoming trends of electronic Procure-to-Pay (eP3P), and Mr. Tommy Choi (Business Development Manager, C&T) demonstrated C&T’s e-procurement system with VITOVA DMS integration.
The audience showed keen interest in how to successfully simplify the procurement process by following the ISO 20400 procurement guidance and enhancing data management through the VITOVA DMS. The speakers and audience also had an in-depth exchange of adding mobility to e-procurement.
Through this seminar C&T provided an occasion for professionals of procurement, finance and IT to better understand the soon to be published ISO 20400 standard and plan ahead for a good start to improve their sustainability engagement beyond their existing business practice. We also had a great chance to listen to the potential users’ needs and ideas from their professional perspective, and this enabled us to further improve our e-procurement solutions to help enterprises achieve higher working efficiency and business sustainability.