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Strengthening regional presence in Asia: C&T promotes digital transformation at China Internet+ Expo and ATxSG
Hong Kong, June 21, 2023 - Invited by the Hong Kong Software Industry Association (HKSiA), C&T participated in this June’s China (Guangdong) International Internet+ Exposition (Internet+ Expo) and Asia Tech x Singapore (ATxSG), providing regional tech exchange platforms for C&T and industry peers to showcase software innovation from Hong Kong.
Internet+ Expo is a long-running event held since 2015 and attended by leading technology companies in industrial internet, big data, and cloud computing domains. Aimed to promote the industrial internet and digital smart manufacturing, this year’s event was held in Foshan, Guangdong Province, which is well-known as a regional manufacturing center. C&T was invited to be one of the representative brands at the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Pavilion, which was organized by the Internet Professional Association (iProA) and supported by the Trade and Industrial Organization Support Fund (TSF) and HKSiA. Visitors were particularly interested in C&T’s award-winning Platinum, which is the HR management system of choice for many large manufacturers to meet specific business and regulatory requirements in Greater China. This also provided a great opportunity for visitors to learn about C&T’s latest AI integration in ProSmart and VITOVA for enhanced data protection and compliance in procurement, HR and other business operations.
ATxSG is a flagship tech event in Asia supported by the Singapore Tourism Board that drives conversations on topics such as opportunities in the metaverse, AI, climate and technology, digital innovation, and others. This year the theme was big data, application of AI and SaaS. At the Hong Kong Pavilion organized by HKSiA and TSF, C&T showcased the last tech-integration updates of different enterprise management systems, from ChainStorePlus, a highly scalable retail POS platform that has facilitated the expansion of popular brands in Asia, to IPL HRMS, a market-trusted HR system driven by both compliance and mobility.
Alongside a series of forums, delegation tours and online activities, the regional flagship events in China and Singapore were attended by tens of thousands of business professionals and provided valuable opportunities for C&T to reconnect with regional partners and customers and explore future development of the IT industry with industry peers.