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Enhancing performance review collaboration: IPL HRMS releases Appraisal module upgrade
Hong Kong, December 8, 2021 - C&T’s human resources management software IPL HRMS released major enhancements to the Appraisal module, enabling organizations to easily integrate the paper-laden procedure under the umbrella of digital HR operations and achieve the best practices in performance management.
Enhanced for better user experience and engagement, the latest Appraisal module helps HR to easily set up appraisals and collaborate with appraisees and appraisers for a smooth review process, all through the fluid interfaces on the central e-platform of IPL HRMS.
Quickly configure any new appraisal
With the latest Appraisal module, HR can quickly set up a new appraisal with step-by-step instructions for a full set of configurations to ensure everything fits the requirements of the organization, a special department or a newly created team:
- Phrase flow and cycle, such as Objective Setup to Interim to Final
- Review duration of each appraisal phrase
- Sections in the appraisal form, e.g. Personal Goal, Competency and Development Plan
- Core competencies and their weighting, for different staff grades or types
- Performance ratings, such as numerical 1 to 5 or alphabetical A to E
Employee competency and weighting setting
Appraisal form interactive elements
Enjoy peace of mind with auto-routing and tracking
Once set, the appraisal procedure starts with its automated workflow to notify assigned action takers. HR, the appraiser and the appraisee in the collaboration circle are linked up with to-do tasks listed on each of their account interfaces. Appraisers and appraisees will receive further email reminders for finishing their pending tasks by the deadline at each stage. At the same time, HR can keep track of each performance review’s status and drafted and revised versions, while overseeing the overall progress of each department and the whole organization in the appraisal phase.
Appraisal form release
Appraisal form enquiry
Add friendly touch to otherwise-tedious review procedure
Users involved in the appraisal procedure will enjoy fluid usage with the multi-step progress bar, star rating scale and other dynamic interface elements. HR and managers also have different sets of home dashboard widgets with real-time data graphs to quickly grasp the overall progress and special findings.
Role-based dashboard widgets
Real-time data graphs
The latest Appraisal module gives HR great work streamlining and data visibility while engaging appraisees and appraisers with a satisfying digital experience. Working seamlessly with the HR master data hub and core payroll engine under the ecosystem of IPL HRMS, it provides an excellent go-digital solution for organizations that truly value performance management in unleashing employees' potential and uniting their people for common goals.