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    • Promoting employee health and wellbeing: C&T holds workplace wellness workshop

Promoting employee health and wellbeing: C&T holds workplace wellness workshop

Hong Kong, September 4, 2019 - C&T and Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC) joined hands for a workplace wellness workshop on August 20 in the Group's headquarters with over 30 employees participating to learn the basic concept of workplace safety and health and office stretching exercise.

OSHC was established under the Occupational Safety and Health Council Ordinance in 1988. As a statutory body, OSHC commits to promoting safety and health at work and sustaining a valuable workforce in Hong Kong. The workshop provided health checks for employees including measuring blood pressure and body fat, together with a “10-minute Exercise” introduced by a fitness trainer for employees to perform the stretching exercise anytime and anywhere in the workplace to minimize occupational illnesses.

C&T cares about the health and welfare of employees, hence striving to provide them with a healthy and safe working environment in order to ensure a good work-life balance of the employees. In the future, C&T will collaborate with OSHC for different types of activities, such as pressure relieving workshops, to help employees maintain a healthy body and mind.