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    • Action of love: C&T colleagues support farmers with charitable rice selling

Action of love: C&T colleagues support farmers with charitable rice selling

Hong Kong, May 25, 2018 - In May, C&T colleagues participated in the meaningful rice-themed Oxfam Rice Event 2018 through making donation and volunteer-fundraising to support farmers who live in poverty in developing or undeveloped countries.

The Oxfam Rice Event is a large-scale annual event of Oxfam Hong Kong, raising funds for its Small Farm Development Fund to support small farmers in poverty to help themselves and improve their lives. Solely in 2017, the event that C&T also participated in raised 3.6 million dollars with the concerted effort of over 2,700 volunteers from over 250 organizations, companies, schools and government organizations.

Over the Oxfam Rice Event 2018, C&T colleagues actively participated in donation and Oxfam Rice Pack purchase to contribute their small but meaningful part to Oxfam’s ongoing initiatives to help those in need. Particularly on May 12, one of this year’s Oxfam Rice Pack selling days, C&T colleagues form two volunteering teams together with their family members and set up fundraising booths in Shau Kei Wan to sell rice packs to generous donors in the town.

The weekend fundraising by the jointed hands of the colleagues with their kids and other family members has become a memorable experience of sharing love and care, which is also their drive of commitment to various charity involvements year after year.