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    • Integration for efficiency: New projects of C&T Solutions

Integration for efficiency: New projects of C&T Solutions

Hong Kong, April 20,  2017 - Recently, the C&T Solutions team was entrusted for system integration projects with a training organization in the construction industry and the management office of a creative digital cluster in Hong Kong respectively. The systems in both projects are developed using the latest technology and conform to the open standard. The system architecture is designed with multi-layers through a service-oriented and modular approach and externalized business logic. By revamping the existing legacy systems and integrating the multiple applications into one single platform, these projects would significantly facilitate clients’ administration work and improve operation efficiency.

Committed to strengthening the sustainability of the construction industry by providing a communications platform and improving skills development, the training organization found its existing training management system (TMS), which was paper-based and semi-automated, not effective and even reflect data inaccuracy. C&T’s professionals formulated client-centric solutions to migrate the system architecture from client-server to web application and combine the three cycles in training management operation, namely Recruitment, Training and Placement, into one single platform. Wrapped up by a repackaged operation-friendly interface, the revamped TMS with high integration and accessibility will be a systematic and sustainable platform that improves the user experience and work efficiency.

About the project with the innovation and technology hub located in western district of Hong Kong Island, C&T Solutions team is implementing an integrated IT system to replace the existing manual process of workspace leasing management. This leasing management system (LMS) serves as a secure web-based portal to manage the end-to-end process from application to payment collection among internal staffs, prospects and users. The LMS not only enhances visibility of the overall system, but also provides real-time reporting to facilitate the management’s data analysis and decision making.

The C&T Solutions professionals are demonstrating their expertise of system integration and customization in both TMS and LMS projects. By replacing the existing manual systems with integrated web application, the accessibility and efficiency of the entire operation flow is enhanced. Reducing paper-based handling by digitalizing data and records also improves data accuracy and security. The implemented people-centric training and leasing systems are going to serve large audiences more efficiently.