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Hong Kong Stock Exchange00046
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C&T recognizes the importance of integrating high standards of corporate social responsibilities to our business values and operations and endeavours to foster the well-being of our staff, community and environment.
Stepping up the efforts through years, C&T has built unique corporate governance with a mission to make more and better contributions to the environment and the community in the long run. This commitment is proven with the release of C&T’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report, which covers our management approach and performance in sustaining the ESG development. The Group’s efforts to develop a sustainable society with full dedication are witnessed by various market recognitions over the years, including:
- 10Years+ Caring Company certificate by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service
- Social Capital Builder Award by the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund (CIIF) of the Labour and Welfare Bureau
- ESG One Silver Member of the Hong Kong Productivity Council
- 8Years+ Industry Cares award of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Recognition Scheme
- 10Years+ Partner Employer Award by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business (HKGCSMB)
- 5Years+ Bronze Member of the Green Council
- 5Years+ Happy Company award by the Promoting Happiness Index Foundation
- Hong Kong Green Organization Certificate, Energywi$e and Wastewi$e Certificate by the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) alongside the Environment and Ecology
Bureau - Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence Certificate of Merit by the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) alongside the Environment and Ecology Bureau
- 5Years+ EcoPioneer at BOCHK Corporate Low Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI)
- EcoChallenger & Low-Carbon Commitment Logo at BOCHK Corporate Low Carbon Environmental Leadership Awards 2023 by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI)
- Green Office Awards Label & Eco Healthy Workplace Label by the World Green Organization
- 3Years+ ESG+ Pledge by CMA
- UNSDG Achievement Awards Hong Kong 2024 – Sustainable Organization – Merit
Treasuring Talents
Our success and ability to grow is inseparable from a skilled and professional team. It is therefore a strategy to invest in our ability to attract, train, retain, and motivate our talents.
Equal opportunities
We strictly abide by labor regulations of where we operate, and are committed to promote a transparent, and fair recruitment process. We acknowledge our responsibilities to actively promote a diversified working environment that is free from discrimination. It is believed that the potential of our employees will be fully enabled when they are given equal opportunities in terms of career development and promotion.
Work-life balance
We launched the C&T Recreation Club (CTR Club) in 2014 as a platform to promote well-being and work-life balance. From implementing initiatives to engaging our employees in recreational activities, our objectives are to enhance employees’ health, build healthy connections between employees, and develop a sense of belonging to the Company.
Health and safety
Health and well-being of our employees at work is a priority to us. A “Health and Safety Policy” has been formulated to govern the management of employee health and safety. Where our employees work in offices and with display screen of computers, our major focus on maintain workplace health and safety include maintaining a good housekeeping, promoting work ergonomics with display screens, and keeping the workplace adequately ventilated by fresh air. To treat minor injury incidents at office, sufficient first aid facilities have been provided.
Smoke-free workplace
We have incorporated the concept of smoke-free workplaces as part of our corporate culture. Over years, we have been committed to providing a healthy and safe smoke-free working environment for employees, continuously sharing information on smoke-free life, understanding their smoking habit and encouraging smoking cessation, including promotion for World No Tobacco Day on May 31 each year designated by the World Health Organization. Our latest participation is the “Smoke-free Athlete” campaign organized by the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) from May 19 to June 30, 2018, which aims to initiate colleagues to do more exercise and advocate the smoke-free healthy lifestyle. Smokers are encouraged to cultivate healthy interests and habits, such as exercising instead of smoking, to get rid of tobacco addiction and improve health.
Training and development
We are committed in developing a capable team. As a company that provides IT solutions, the skills and knowledge of our employees are closely linked to the quality of what we deliver, client satisfaction and sustainability of our business. A structured orientation training is provided to new joiners for a smooth and quick adaptation to the new working environment. Under our Training Program, employees are regularly provided with opportunities to attend formal training programs that benefit their career developments, including overseas training opportunities. Talents grow together by exchanging knowledge. “Learning Forums” are organized for employees in the different technical teams to exchange their knowledge.
Community Involvement
Our efforts in community work have been well-received. Besides receiving certificates of appreciation from the charitable organizations, since 2014, we have been recognized as a Caring Company by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service with our dedication in community involvement and commitment to social responsibility. Looking ahead, we will continue to arrange more social and charitable activities to benefit the wider community and those in need.
Charity fundraising
We took part in a number of charitable activities. These activities include Oxfam Rice Event by Oxfam Hong Kong and Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours Charity Marathon by Sowers Action. On top of supporting social purpose organizations, we have participated in activities organized by green organizations, such as Elderly Organic Community Garden by Produce Green Foundation. In addition to participating fund-raising activities, we support good cause and the needy through donations. In 2016, we donated close to HK$16,000. We hope our contribution can foster Hong Kong’s social integration and promote the environmental quality.
Besides taking part as event participants, we encourage our staff to reach out to the community as volunteers. We have volunteered for the flag-selling day by Fu Hong Society. We have also joined the Hong Kong Movie Star Sports Association Charities Limited in their elderly visits during festivals. In 2016, our employees devoted 339 volunteering hours for the betterment of the society.
Our business as a pioneering IT employer also allows us to give back to our community other than using these conventional ways. Since 2016, we have been invited by the HKU Graduate Association Education Foundation to provide career advice to secondary school students in the Life & Career Education Forum. Besides, we have been taking part in the Life & Career Education Mentorship Project, where our mentoring staff share with the participating students their personal experiences and career advice in hope of helping the students to create their future.
Environmental Protection
As a socially responsible citizen, we are concerned about the quality of the environment. While conducting business, we strive to minimize our impact to the environment. Our determination to promote environmental well-being is reflected in the introduction of our “Environmental Policy”. The policy documents our commitment to protecting the environment, minimizing the environmental impact of our business operation, and promoting sustainability through our solutions. On top of complying with the relevant legislation and regulatory requirements, the policy offers guidance for our management and staff to follow in the daily operations. It touches upon our environmental strategies in energy conservation, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, waste minimization and green purchasing. On the other hand, we have implemented a number of initiatives in our Hong Kong office to improve our environmental performance.
Reducing paper consumption
Focusing on paper and energy consumption, our “Green Guidelines” serve as an operational manual for our employees to follow. We encourage our staff to cut their paper use by communicating through emails, utilizing draft paper and printing on both side. We further reduce avoidable paper consumption by adopt pull printing. Used toners are returned to our suppliers for recycling. For hazardous waste, we dispose of them with reference strict compliance to relevant guidelines to ensure compliance.
Reducing energy consumption
In terms of energy conservation, we attempt to avoid unnecessary consumption. Our staff are reminded to switch off lights, air-conditioning and all the electronic devices after use or work. We have also put in place a time zone system for lighting where all non-essential lights in the public areas are turned off after 6pm on working days. A time switch on power supply is further applied to our water and beverage dispensers to reduce energy wastage.
Continuous monitoring
Monitoring different environmental metrics allows us to continuously improve the environmental performance of our operation. We have been keeping track of our electricity and water consumption, paper use and carbon emissions. The data are useful for us to review our environmental performance and devise improvement measures. Despite less significant to our operation, we look into measures to reduce our water use. We have installed water-saving devices and regularly examined the water pipes in our office to prevent leakage.
Founder and Chairman, Ir. Ng Cheung Shing established the C&T Group in 1991. In 1998, C&T was listed in the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange (Stock Code: SEHK00046). Under the leadership of Ir. Ng, we successfully completed major IT projects and earned a number of market recognitions worldwide.
Understanding the importance of integrating corporate social responsibilities of high standard into business values and operations, Ir. Ng endeavors to foster the well-being of the staff as well as the community and the environment. Ir. Ng believes the civic and national development in long term is based on human capital training. While invited to do sharing on entrepreneurship and IT industry development for various tertiary student activities, Ir. Ng continuously sponsors education institutions in Hong Kong and Mainland China, such as donations to the Hong Kong Baptist University’s Department of Computer Science and the VTC School of Business and Information System. With the active participation and contribution, Ir. Ng was the awardees of "Worldcom Young Entrepreneur Achievement Award" from 1999 to 2001, “Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong”, “Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award of Hong Kong” and “Directors of the Year Awards”. Ir. Ng is also the Honorary Fellow of Vocational Training Council and the Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries.
Accountability to shareholders
In accordance with the listing rules and relevant guidelines of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, we have established measures to protect the equality of shareholders in accordance with the principle of information transparency liable to all shareholders. The board of directors as the core gives full play to the role of independent non-executive directors under the mechanism of corporate governance.
C&T’s directors believe that continuous professional development can strengthen the board’s competence in corporate governance. Upon completing Board Training Programme and fulfilling the necessary requirements again, C&T was granted the HKIoD Symbol of Credit in Director CPD by Hong Kong Institute of Directors in 2020.
Customer Commitment
Committed to our customers, we have drawn up reasonable purchase prices and pay on schedule. In addition, we have clearly defined and included the code of conduct for privacy and confidential information, anti-bribery and -corruption in the employee handbook. Employees must abide by the code and are forbidden to receive benefits from any person, company or organization who is engaged in business with the Group.
Providing environmental solutions
One of the important components in our “Environmental Policy” is our solution offerings that promote sustainability. With our vision to build a better world with Information Technology, we have developed IT solutions that can help our clients to enhance their environmental performance.
Delivering quality service
We have dedicated customer service teams to take care our clients’ needs by providing professional and high quality support. Hotlines are set up to allow clients to reach us directly to make enquiries or complaints. It is our target to respond to our clients and resolve their issues in a timely manner.
Upholding ethical conduct
We do not tolerate any corrupt practices. To mitigate bribery and corruption risk, we have outlined our operating principles in our “Code of Business Conduct Policy”. In 2016, we invited an instructor from the Independent Commission Against Corruption to deliver an anti-corruption training at our office. Under our “Whistle Blowing Policy”, we offer anonymous whistle blowing channels for our employees to report any suspected case of misconduct.
Protecting IP rights and data privacy
Our “Code of Business Conduct Policy” sets our basic principles to guide our behaviors and practices when conducting business to ensure the compliance of local law and regulation. This includes the careful handling and usage of trade secrets, patents, trademarks and copyrights, as well as business, marketing and service plans, engineering ideas, design, and databases. As we are often entrusted with trade secrets or proprietary information of clients’, protecting confidential information is a high priority for an IT company like us. By establishing a stringent “Information Security Policy”, we minimize any risk of information leakage.
Green procurement practices
Our commitment to the environment can also be observed in our procurement practices. We purchase electronic and paper products to support our operation. These products exert environmental impact throughout their life-cycles. This urged us to develop our Green Procurement Policy, which governs the purchasing practices in our day-to- day business. We prefer purchasing products that have an energy label and are compliant with Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS) of Europe.